Written critics: g size strong bones. g. lengd on body, Strong head, enough stop. strong
muchels, å bit loose eyelip . Ex topline and tail, strong round body, Enough
angulation g. feet. g. coat quality and Nice colors.
Written critics: strong male, g. bones, bit Long in body, Strong maskulin head, Deep muchels, g.
ears and eyes. a bit loose in eyerims, corr topline in standing. short crups. g.
angulation, good coat quality
Written critics: ex type, g size , strong bones, maskulin head, Deep muchels, Loose eyerims, ex
topline, rounded ribcage, corr tailset, g. angulation, Powerfull steps, g
Written critics: 9 years. g. size, ex trong bones, g lengd of body, corr headlines. strong
muchels, small eyes, g. neck and" svai "back Stong crup . corr teilaset. g
angulation very short powerless steps, When moving the TOP shold be bether. G
Written critics: strong a bit short body female. Corr headline, Light muscled Corr eyes and
ears. Corr topline. g head and ears enough ribcage. g angulation g. angulation .
Moving å bit loose in front. could carrige her tail bether. G coat quality
Written critics: g lengd of body. Enough bones for her age, corr headlines. Bit loose eyerims,
Strong Muscled. need swai back. need more body and ribcage, enough angulation,
Nerrow hindmovement. g sidesteps. When moving the topline shold be more level.
Mutch spots on feet.
Written critics: g size , strong bones. G lengd on body, Nice head and expression. Strong
muscels, Ex topline. Massiv strong robcage, g. angulation, g side steps , nerrow
behind, g coat
Written critics: g size strong bones, g lengd on body, feminin head + expression, G stop, g eyes
+ ears, ex topline. Corr tailcarrige g. angulation, g sidesteps, Nice coat.
Underlige ære cuted with scissors
Written critics: ex type, g. size, strong muscled body. corr head. Very loose eyesrims. ex
topline, and tailcarrige, ex behind and front movement. G coat